Friday, February 14, 2014

Coming Home Series - II

Petitioning the Lord for Him to bring about change in your life, as it aligns with His Will, is not a one time thing. We are not expected to pray about it one time, like making a deposit in the bank, and expecting the prayer to be immediately answered. Anytime that we do something that draws attention to God with a desire to glorify Him, the adversary would like nothing more than to snuff it out. There is a parable in the Bible about a judge that did not fear God and did not respect man. A widow came to this judge asking for legal protection from an opponent. For a while, the judge was unwilling, but after some time, he gave her the legal protection that she was asking for. The Bible says that she “continually” came to the judge as if to wear him out. This judge did not fear God, and yet he answered this woman’s request after her continual petitions. With this parable, God is teaching us that when we pray we ought to continually come to Him in prayer and God will bring about justice for His children. God hears our every prayer and that includes the prayers of a Mother desiring to be with her children.

Continuing on from Series 1, as you pray to God for guidance in making the transition home to your children, you need to study the scriptures. I had made the choice to get a college degree, became established on the job, built a home, and had my children settled into a private school. I had no reason to believe that God wasn’t happy with my choices. At this time in my life when I started studying God’s Word for the first time about God’s expectation for a Mother, I didn’t like what I read. I found it difficult to fulfill the characteristics that I began to study as a working mother. The Bible instructs parents to teach God’s Word diligently to their children, as they sit in their house, when they walk by the way, when then lie down, and when they rise. Mothers and wives are also called to manage their home and honor their husband, serving as an example to their children. After a day of work, instead of being eager to come home and be a Godly example for my children and a support to my husband I wanted nothing more than to get dinner on the table and get the kids in bed so that I could have a moment’s peace. Instead of serving my family to my fullest potential in managing our home, I was left at the end of the day drained as so much of my energy was expended in the workplace.

As I examined my efforts as I worked, I realized that my efforts fell short in contrast to what I knew in my heart I could truly do if I was able to focus my efforts full-time on my home. God began to highlight to me as I read His Word, how the sacrifice that He made on the Cross was an example of the sacrifices that I needed to make as a Mother. I started to ponder over the fact that I could spend my life fulfilling a purpose that I thought was expected of me and not examine what worth it has in God’s eyes. I never truly pondered over this until much later in life after getting out on my own, marrying, and having children. How often do we stop and ask God what He desires of our life as we make choices?

There are passages of scripture that are clear on God’s expectation for a Mother, and as a woman studies scripture for herself, God will speak to her through His Word of what He specifically desires for her. Many times we shun away from delving into God’s Word, for fear of what we may read. God’s Word is a mirror for the believer. It shows us our shortcomings. As we study His Word, we may become discouraged that we could never fulfill the roles that He calls us to fulfill, but we’re not left with a hopeless view of ourselves as we read. God’s Word gives us hope because as wives and mothers we’re not called to execute God’s will alone in our own efforts. He has given us the Holy Spirit, which empowers us.

As you look at your own personal situation and the stumbling blocks that seem to be in the way of coming home to our children, as you pray and read God’s Word, you will receive the confidence and hope that you’ll need to for the journey ahead to making it a reality.


  1. Onnnnn poinnnnntttt ... "After a day of work, instead of being eager to come home and be a Godly example for my children and a support to my husband I wanted nothing more than to get dinner on the table and get the kids in bed so that I could have a moment’s peace. Instead of serving my family to my fullest potential in managing our home, I was left at the end of the day drained as so much of my energy was expended in the workplace." Ding, ding, ding, ding!!! Yes, that's me. And then on Saturday when I see a pile of laundry mocking me or Zuri has a project due on Monday and I haven't the first thing on the list to help her make it ... I feel like I can't win for losing. I do so much and yet, end up short. I do A LOT at home, but only within the little time that I have to do it outside of work so a few days in and my efforts have already unraveled at the seams. I'm soooo glad you're putting this down on "paper". God is using you ;-)

  2. God knows our hearts and He desires that we come to Him in our weakness so that He can transform us into what He wants us to be. All it takes is some faith (the size of a mustard seed I might add) and He can do amazing things in our lives. Things that may seem unimaginable. He's a God of second chances.
    I feel as though I've gotten a second chance at being a Mom.

  3. Oooh Lorra,there you hit it again,am going through all your posts and Iam able to get soo much.Iam yet to meet my husband and start having babies, yet for soo long, like even during my campus days, I soo strongly used to feel bend on staying at home with my babies.....It felt funny and has been till I think around last year when I came to understand this strong desire to be God placing in my heart what He wants me to pursue, felt funny coz all around me,my peers,my friends, everyone I knew and what I had been socialised into was that,we were to be career women, thus me feeling a pull towards the other side,used to feel a little off..

    I never knew how I will go on about it, the things to incorporate to help my hubby but going them from home, and a ton of other unknowns, but thankfully I started googling about women feeling called to just be moms,firstly......

    Am soo delighted to have had found your blog,am liking here how you just explained, reading this post,again, felt like just reading my own thoughts and challenges....

    Thanks much girl..... On to more reading.

    1. Hi Faith! My new favorite must read for future brides and married ladies is "The Excellent Wife" by Martha Peace. I can't stress how fantastic and biblically sound this book is. Talk about knowing what God expects of a wife! It's beautifully and expositorally explained in this book. Grab your Bible and this book and get to studying!

      If you're in your single years that is a timely opportunity in life to spend it with your Heavenly Father, studying, and growing to know Him more deeply until He provides the man that He has for you. The more that you study scripture, the more clearer you will become of who you are in Christ. I did this backwards. I didn't begin my journey of study and growing to know the Lord more intimately until after I was married. Do it now and you'll experience such a peace and joy going into a committed relationship.
