Friday, February 28, 2014

Bigger Isn't Always Better

The family had fun going through the samples of kitchen cabinet doors, carpet selections, and countertop options for the new house. We’re using the modular construction building process this second time around for our home. The process is so very different this time around. When we built our first house the process was extremely long and drawn out because your options are almost limitless (based on the budget that you’re working with).
We were working with a large budget based on two incomes and were able to choose from a plethora of amenities to put in the house. This time around our options are more basic, so it didn’t take us long at all to go through the samples and settle on what we’d like to have in the house.

Everyone has their own tastes and preferences for things they like in their home. Some people have expensive taste and others will settle for just about anything as long as they have a roof over their head, warmth in the winters, and coolness in the summers. As I’ve gone through this transition in my life of coming home, my preferences have been based on what’s economical for our family.

While I had to say goodbye to my granite countertops and marble floors, I’m able to say good morning every day to a set of grey, shining eyes and a toothless smile that welcomes me every morning while so many mothers are having to head to work and leave their child in the arms of someone else. There’ll be no brick and soaring windows adorning the exterior of my next house. I’ve traded it all in for the arms of two little growing ladies that hug me everyday in thankfulness for a Mom that is just where she needs to be. At their side, loving them in a home that may not be a mansion in a cul de sac, but is one that will enable us to provide all the time and love it takes to raise them in a manner that strives to honors God.


  1. I always tell the kids that you can evaluate what a person values most by where they spend their most valued asset - their time. What a person values will get most of their time.
