How fun is it to do girly stuff? If you're a girly girl its fun to drown yourself in pink and purple (my two favorite colors), let down your hair, and just be downright silly. I wasn't an overly girly girl growing up. I wasn't big on makeup and finger nail polish, but like any other girl I did want to look pretty and feel accepted by the girls that I hung around with and called my friends. As girls grow and get beyond the years of it still being comfortable with sitting on Mommy's lap and sleeping with their favorite stuffed animal, it seems girls forget all about just being girls and they start to notice their differences from other girls. For me I was a little chunkier than my friends and I wore glasses, so I felt like I stuck out like a sore thumb amongst all the other girls. The average parent might naturally try and teach their little girl how to have confidence in herself so that she can rise above the pettiness that they face as they grow and change. They might tell her that she is pretty, and smart, and can be anything she wants to be.
If I could go back and talk to myself as a little girl wanting desperately to fit in I'd tell myself that confidence in yourself makes you a prideful person. Self confidence is flawed because it relies on your own fleshy thoughts and desires to build up self esteem within your self. With self confidence you may ending up pleasing your flesh and gaining the acceptance and praise of others, but what eternal value does it bring? We may think that we know what is best for ourselves, but apart from God we can do nothing. I've learned that the only sort of confidence that has true worth is confidence in the One who has created Me. He truly knows what is best for me, has a purpose for my life, and will enable me to fulfill that purpose which ultimately will glorify Him.

My oldest is still at the age that she can comfortably be a girly girl everyday if she wants and not be embarrassed. I got a chance to let my hair down and be a Crazy Girl for just one night at the Crazy Girl Hair Tour in Richmond. I heard that this Tour was coming to the area on the radio and thought that it would be fun for my oldest and she had a blast. The show seeks to teach young girls (ages 9-12) to place their hope in Christ and to not be ashamed of their differences because God made them. We are uniquely made by God and as we strive to do His Will we can have all the confidence we need in Christ.
While I can't go and redo my adolescent years over again, I can seek to raise my children to know that there is more to life than what society has us to believe is important. It may make them different, but being normal is so overrated!
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