Friday, January 31, 2014

Their Kind of Science

There’s a lot of freedom in homeschooling. So much freedom that as a teaching parent you have to be very disciplined to ensure that you stay committed to teaching your child day after day. Just like there were days that I didn’t want to get up to work, there are days when I just want to stay in the bed and tell the kids, “No school. We’re sleeping in!” I just haven’t mustered up the courage yet to do this yet. But, I get real tempted some days.
We typically leave History and Science towards the end the day, lending these subjects to be a little dry after they’ve gotten through all of their other subjects. I needed to spice things up a bit, so I petitioned both girls to find out what Science topics they most wanted to learn about. They studied the Human Body, the oldest daughter digging a little deeper into varying functions of certain organ and my younger learning the identification of these organs.
Days like this makes the end of the school day feel like I’ve hit a home run. They were excited, learning, and they didn't whine or complain!
While some things about their body organs grossed them out, this was a great introduction to the Human Body as we’ll be revisiting it again in the years to come and dig even deeper.
The organ cutouts for this lesson and activity came from this fantastic homeschooling Mom,


  1. Okay so we're DEFINITELY doing this one! How neat! Better than looking at a book or an iPad. Makes it "real" if the drawing is of them and they are placing their own organs =)

  2. This activity made the body organs come alive! I enjoyed it myself so much that I "thought" about having my own body traced, but didn't trust my kids to put pen to paper around my body. I'm sure that I'd end up a marker'ed mess!

  3. Oooh I wanna do this too...more for me than them! LOL!
