Tuesday, February 3, 2015

An Unexpected Blessing in a High Schooler Package

As we approach the peak of the hill of education and peer out into the horizon of mathematics, reading, science, grammar, and history, my heart is full as I think about how far the girl's learning has expanded this school year. They've continued to embrace the change this year in their curriculum and have leaped and made bounds, allowing their Mom to stretch them a bit each day beyond the typical classroom requirements for their grades. This half way point in our school year comes with great expectancy of what the Lord will do in our homeschool.

Just a few weeks ago, we welcomed a new student into our homeschool. A close relative of ours was in need of a homeschool environment to aide in their child's education and we've taken him in with open arms. He is quickly becoming acclimated and I'm quickly learning the requirements of educating a high schooler. While taking in a student other than my own children was not in my plans for the school year, I'm in awe of how the Lord is working everything out for good and for His glory. As I've prayed for wisdom on how to encourage my new student to learn and work to his fullest potential, the Lord is granting the guidance and direction that is needed. The girls love the company that an additional student brings and seem to thrive with the added competition in the school room.

To live a life abandoned and carefree to God's call whenever, and however He guides us is frightening and exciting all at the same time. It requires a trust and a hope in future events that we cannot see, a dependence upon a God that is all powerful and capable of the impossible. My continued prayer for my students is that they have an environment where they can be who God created them to be and be groomed to live their own lives with this same type of expectancy. My own recollection of high school was full of the pressures of fitting in. I hope to give my new high schooler the freedom to fit the mold that God has for him. To learn at a pace that is steady, yet challenging and grow into an understanding of what lies beyond high school based on the interests and skills that God so intricately designed into him when He created him.

What unexpectant blessing is headed to your doorstep?

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