Lea has been growing butterflies. She received a butterfly growing kit as a gift for Christmas, so we incorporated the kit into her insect-butterfly cycle unit in Science and she’s been having a ball checking on them every day as they change and morph. They look pretty gross in the stage where their skin is stretching and bulging as they shed. Sort of like little mini hulk hogans busting out of their skin. Ewww.
Love had an idea as they studied constellations to string
yarn around thumb tacks to shape out the constellations that they studied. It
was even sweeter to gaze out at the stars the other night and see them point
out the Big Dipper and Orion’s Belt.
At their last co-op class, they ventured to South Korea and learned about their unique culture and dined on seaweed!
In our after-regular-school-hour time (school for the homeschooler
never ends), they’ve been learning how to make homemade baby food and trying
some new recipes.
I wanted to kick myself after realizing how simple and easy
it is to make homemade baby food. With both of my girls I took what I thought
was the convenient route of running to the store to purchase baby food. Making
your own baby food is simple, quick, and easy.
For baby cereal, we grinded up brown rice and added to a cup
of bowling water and mixed in a little expressed milk. Our little man loved it. The girls have had fun making pureed carrots and apples as well.
These have been the routine days of our lives for the past 7 months and its been a joy thus far. As we near the end of our first school year, my heart is full of joy and peace as I think back over how God has blessed us in numerous ways day after day. He has shown Himself through answered prayer and provided for us in times when I didn't even realize I was in need.
What sweet days they have been...
These have been the routine days of our lives for the past 7 months and its been a joy thus far. As we near the end of our first school year, my heart is full of joy and peace as I think back over how God has blessed us in numerous ways day after day. He has shown Himself through answered prayer and provided for us in times when I didn't even realize I was in need.
What sweet days they have been...