Thursday, March 6, 2014

Coming Home Series - Conclusion

Making the decision to leave a secure and stable income behind is a difficult one to make. Through prayer, study of scripture, discussions with your spouse, and careful financial planning, you can develop a plan with confidence knowing that with God all things are possible. Its impossible to plan for everything, so I encourage anyone forging ahead in this direction to seek God through each and every step.

Once you have developed a plan for your family, execution of that plan is another adventure that requires much faith in where God has led you thus far. As our family is currently in the phase of execution of our own plans of "coming home", I've found myself having to rely and depend on God in ways I've never experienced.

My other advice to any mother pursuing this venture is to have patience. We cannot anticipate God to move or act in our own timing. For us, the culmination of time that passed as God worked and stirred within my heart as I prayed, searched out scripture, discussed the desire with my husband, and developed a financial plan, spanned five to six years. Looking back, I'm thankful for the process that God led me through as he refined, molded, and shaped my heart to do what He desired.

I used to keep a quote up in my office during my "out of the home" working days that said, "Faith that hasn't been tested, can't be trusted". If we haven't had to exercise our faith, how do we know that we have the courage in Christ to weather trials and uncertain days that we go through in life?

I pray that this series has been useful to someone in some way, shape, or form. As God gives me strength and teaches me, it is my desire to pass on what I've learned. I will return to this topic in the near future to relay the lessons learned through execution of our plans.

For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus (Philippians 1:6) 

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