Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Caleb the Warrior

I finally made the time to finish the most recent Francine Rivers book that I've been plodding through over the summer. Since starting back to school and still working through the James Precept Study, its been a little bit challenging making the time to read. After checking out the book for the fifth time, I was determined to finish it.

This second book in Rivers' series, Sons of Encouragement, is entitled "Warrior" and its about the life of Caleb. He was an unlikely hero, being cast in the shadow of Joshua as one who stood strong in his faith. While many Israelites complained, grumbled, and distrusted the plan of God, Caleb had a different spirit. He trusted God and stood strong in his faith. While Caleb and Joshua brought back a hopeful report about the land that God had promised to give to the Israelites, the other spies that they ventured into the land with spread news that disheartened the people and led them to believe that they could not take over the land even though God promised He would.

Caleb's life was a demonstration of a true commitment to the Lord despite how things looked.

Reading Caleb's story made me reflect on the type of news bearer I am in challenging situations. When things look bleak, do I offer words of encouragement or do I echo words of discouragement and hopelessness? Regarding how life's situations end up, our lives are always in God's most capable hands. His truth reminds us of His faithfulness, provision, and love. Is that enough to sustain us when things get tough?. The Israelites were promised by God that they would be given the Promised Land, but His Word wasn't enough.

Is God's Word enough for us?

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