The kids and I were
thrilled to return to the annual Homeschool Convention this year. After surviving our first year of homeschool, and getting through end of year testing, the convention is like the icing on the cake for the school year and a motivator for the year to come.

Thousands of parents and children flock to the annual convention, some are venturing there for the first time, others are first or second year homeschoolers, and the remaining folks are all veterans. The researcher in me, just loves this convention. The 2 1/2 day schedule is full of seminar after seminar, providing a wealth of information that ranges from topics like, "How To Get Started With Homeschooling" to "Help Me, I want to Quit Homeschooling". There's a seminar for everyone.
This year, with all 3 kids in tow, I didn't get a chance to attend seminars as I have in the past, but I did get to shop till I dropped for curriculum materials.
I was all official this year with my cart on wheels.
We were able to get Dad to join us as well and he found some wheels of his own.
Good Times were had by all...
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