As I was parsing through some pictures I realized that I hadn’t
blogged about my Lea when her birthday passed in August. So, the subject of
this blog entry is all about my Lea. My sweet, smiling Lea. She turned 7 this
We would
try and convince her that shoes were not designed to be worn to bed, but she couldn’t
be convinced. And so, we just let her sleep in them and when she got out of bed
in the morning, she stepped out with shoes on!
It’s so funny the things that kids get in to. As we enter
our 3rd week of homeschooling I bask in the joy of having so much
time with my girls. As I anticipated what sort of “students” my girls would be,
I assumed right with Lea as she has turned out to be my “buddy” student. She
loves to have Mommy at her side as we school throughout the day. Before
starting homeschooling I was curious how I was going to manage doing individual
time with each child when necessary and keep the other child occupied long
enough so that they got something productive done.
Lea is my child that loves when it’s her turn for Mommy one-on-one
time (Love does too, but Lea just wants me sitting next to her even if I’m not
working with her). Lea has always been the cuddle kid and I love it cause I
love to snuggle. She still loves to crawl up in our laps. She’s the kid that gives
those neck-breaking hugs and wants about a gazillion kisses throughout the day
and especially before bedtime.
I’m thankful that as a Mom you never run out of an inventory
of hugs and kisses cause my Lea sure wants her share everyday!
yes! well said. I've gotten a few whiplashes from her neck breaking hugs! and don't forget the part that she's small but strong as a whip! lol