Saturday, December 1, 2012

My Waiting Season

I'm at peace with the reality that I'm in a waiting stage of life right now. Everyone at some point in their life has to wait on something. The more advancements we seem to go through in technology shortens our patience for waiting. That's why they call it "instant messaging", right? You expect to get a response instantly! We are connected 24/7 by way of our cell phones, ipads, twitter accounts, facebook, etc. Technology has conditioned many of us to anticipate immediate responses and when there's a delay its as if something is wrong.

When it comes to God we can't apply the same set of expectations regarding our connection through prayer to the Master. He's not like us and He's not on the same timetable that we are. As we learn more about the Creator of Heaven and Earth we'll find that His ways are not our ways and He has a purpose in what He does that may not make sense to us in our feeble brains. Keeping this perspective helps me through this waiting stage of life.

I read several testimonies today from women who have been through waiting seasons in their life and what touched my heart was their triumphant reflection on God as He brought them through their waiting periods. God was glorified in each of their stories. The other common theme in their stories was how they drew in closer relationship to Him through the moments when it didn't seem their prayers were being heard and answered.

It was validation that I'm not alone and what I'm experiencing as our home sits on the market and I anticipate a transition into homeschoooling, is that God IS working in ways that I may not visibally see and He's preparing me. As my faith grows to believe in a reality that has not come to fruition, I become more peaceful and joyful in a circumstance that doesn't visibally seem to be changing.

To those who are waiting...

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