Wednesday, April 16, 2014


The caterpillars finally emerged from their Chrysalis and became beautiful butterflies! The girls were eager to let them go so we picked a sunny day, climbed in our boots, and found just the perfect spot at our property to let them go.  
 They were a little apprehensive at first to leave what they knew to be their comfortable home (the butterflies that is, not the kids). With a little prodding from the girls that included shaking, tapping against the side of the net, and yelling, "fly, fly", one by one they flew out.
The first one made a clear break for the woods, but the ones that followed decided to try out their new habitat by lounging on some nearby sticks. If you play "Where's Waldo-Butterfly", you can see the orange and black colors on his wings.

 Just as God transformed the caterpillars into butterflies, He's transforming what used to be a simple, wooded lot into woods that will soon be inhabited. Since we purchased the property, the land has been primarily used for hunting. It was odd at first to imagine someone actually living in these woods. As the excavators have been making a path that will shape up into our driveway, we've been able to envision what it will be like to drive "home" into these woods, being encircled by pine trees.
 One of my favorite shows to watch is "Little House on the Prairie". In the pilot episodes, the family settles in the middle of nowhere and they build their home in the wide open prairie. I was reminded of the adventures of the Ingalls Family from the show as I sat back and watched my little family mark off the four corners of where the house will be located using wooden posts and a few markers.
Transformation in the Big Woods

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