Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Reflections of Mueller

In addition to my daily Bible reading of various verses to remain encouraged each day, and the "Jesus Calling" daily devotional (by Sarah Young) that provides wonderful reminders in connection to the Word of God's sovereignty and control over all things, I picked up the book, "Answers to Prayer" by George Mueller during the last few months leading up to receving the contract on the house.

When you're waiting on God and praying for an answer to a specific requests that is burdening your heart, its just plain easy to wallow in self pity and worry that your prayer will never be answered. Satan knows our weaknesses and can play upon our emotions to be led to doubt what we believe in our heart that God is doing in our life. Taking the thoughts that Satan and we ourselves conjure up in our minds and hearts captive and replacing them with Truth is so imperative. If we don't take them captive they will fester and grow like mold or a virus and take root in our heart and mind. Before we know it we'll find ourselves believing a total lie.

Close friends let us borrow the book by Mueller several years ago and I recall reading through a portion of it at the time. Now several years later I picked it up again and decided to read it completely and wow... it just resonated with me in such special ways given the fact that I was continuing to wait on God and lift up our requests to Him. One thing that I admired in Mueller was his steadfastness to pray. He first off prayed for things that solely brought the Lord glory and he would continue to pray until God answered it. He prayed over and over again, petitioning the Lord multiple times in one day for the requests on his heart. And, while time could pass by for years without any sign of the prayer being answered, he described his confidence in the Lord knowing that the Lord heard him and would answer it in His time (and, not when he thought God should answer) .

This was such an encouragement to me and it helped me in my waiting period to learn more about my God's character. His timeline is not my timeline and through the waiting I'm led to be fully dependent on Him and no one else. I learned that, this is His desire. That I depend on Him. That I need Him and that I'm patient on His working things out for His glory and not my own.

Some days I wondered if God looked down at me saying, "here she goes again.. praying that same prayer request." and, the truth is He knew each moment that I prayed what I was going to say, but the beauty was my need of Him and ultimate dependence for His power in the midst of what felt like a hopeless and difficult situation.

Muellers faith blessed my soul. We all will have to wait for something in our life. In the circumstances that we're waiting on the Lord and the end of our waiting results in His glorification, I pray that we will not grow weary in our waiting, but we'll fall to our knees each time that ee feel ourselves growing discouraged. And, we'll seek the Lord however many times that it takes to be renewed in our Spirit because we know that He never grows tired of our requests.

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