Thursday, April 9, 2015

Life in Pictures

Since returning from our vacation and getting back into the normal routine of life, the kids jumped back into Science using the TopScience Corn and Beans Science Project. I absolutely love the TopScience experiments. They are so very well organized and planned out in such a way that my work is minimal and the kid's learning is maximized. The Corn & Beans Experiment project expands five weeks that include the children developing a science journal and continues through the plant growth process. Every day of school the children document the growth process in their handmade journals, they measure seed mass as it changes, and diagram plant parts and the process of photosynthesis. We've enjoyed watching simple corn and pinto beans break open through a little nurture and care, blossoming from seedlings into a full grown plant. They grow really fast! 


Speaking of growing things, here's my little bean who has also been growing like a bean. He's coming into a place of wanting to do what his big sisters do. When they do schoolwork, he likes to sit at the table and have school too. 

Don't be impressed. When he's not trying to be a big kid, he does a very good job of getting into any and everything he can find to be entertained until its time for nap time.

On a food-note, here's a throw back recipe, Herb Crusted Pork Tenderloin. I dusted off this recipe from my blog and wowed my family's taste buds. If you're in the mood for the other white meat, be sure to try this one out.



I've been reminded the past two days in my daily devotional, Jesus Calling, that nothing can ever separate us from God.

If someone meditating on the truth that nothing can separate them from God isn't quite sure what all the nothing is, they can just turn to Romans 8:31-39. There's a complete list of all the catastrophes in life that you just might think could pry you out of God's Hands.

How about,

Tribulation? No.

Distress? Ugh Uh.

Persecution? Forget it.

Famine? Never.

Nakedness? Of Course not.

Danger? Negative.

Sword? Under no circumstances.

What an encouraging truth that no matter what life circumstance you find yourself in, nothing can ever separate you from the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Heb 13:8) and He will never leave us or forsake us (Heb 13:5).

May you be encouraged today that there is not one plunder in this world that could ever get between
you and God.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Peace in Where God Leads Me

I love that making our house a home is my full-time job.
The only words that I can seem to find that describe the fulfillment that my heart experiences every day that I get up to educate my children, prepare meals, clean up spilled messes, fold and put away baskets of laundry, and greet my working man after his work day is, peace. 
I realize that this job description isn’t a popular one in today’s society, but it is one that has brought me satisfaction beyond any single day in the office.
The pay stinks and there isn’t much notoriety that comes with the position, but I have peace in knowing that it was God who led me to this place. I did not arrive here as a result of my selfish desires for notoriety or fame. It was simple obedience to God’s call.
Where He leads me, I will follow.